Rob Calhelha, a Civil War re-enactor in full uniform spoke at the Fairfax Lions Club July 16 dinner meeting. Rob represented a Private of the 2nd Wisconsin Infantry of the Union Army. That regiment spent most of the war in the “Iron Brigade” of the Army of the Potomac, and suffered the largest number of casualties (by percentage of total enlistment) of any Union Army unit.

Rob discussed his weapon (1861 Springfield musket with bayonet) and equipment, and explained early military insignia – such as the solid red circle badge on his hat for I Corps (1st Division).
He discussed the horrors of warfare in terms of primeval field medicine at the time (if wounded, the most likely treament was amputation), and the very large numbers killed – especially in the Battle of the Wilderness. Ron also showed standard food soldiers carried, hardtack and salt pork.
Fairfax Lions welcome anyone to our Club meetings. We have fun and serve our community!