Beware Fake Shredding Events

Posted on November 12, 2024Comments are off

This photo below is an item in Nov 12th email from Chairman, FX County Board of Supervisors; beware of the possibility of fake shredding events – you might place your personal information into the hands of bad persons.

Trivia Contest at Lions Meeting

Posted on November 7, 2024Comments are off

FX Lions held a trivia contest at their dinner meeting on Nov 5th, with prize money for the winner.

There were 20 questions, such as: “What animal is the largest member of the deer family?” (The answer: Moose are the largest members of the deer family. Per: )

Visit a Lions dinner meeting any time; you’ll make friends and have fun while serving others! Contact us at:

BTW…a photo of that largest “deer”….

Free Dog & Bev for Vets

Posted on November 5, 2024Comments are off

Fairfax Lions are proud to sponsor a treat for Veterans on Veterans Day.

Address of American Legion Post 180 is: 330 Center St N, Vienna, VA 22180

FX Lion Greg Recognized

Posted on October 26, 2024Comments are off

Immediate Past President of Fairfax Lions Club, Greg, received A VERY significant award – the 4th highest of all Lions awards: the International President’s Certificate of Appreciation. Congratulations Greg! 

FX Lions – Club Excellence Award

Posted on October 26, 2024Comments are off

At recent District Conference, FX Lions Club received the Club Excellent Award. Visit FX Lions; WE SERVE, and have a great time doing it!

Lions Donate to Canine Companions

Posted on October 20, 2024Comments are off

Fairfax Lions support the Lions Project for Canine Companions (read about it at this link).  FX Lions make an annual donation, typically presented at the annual Dog Fest event in Reston. On Oct 5th, Fairfax Lions Harry and Lion Greg presented our Club’s donation to this wonderful charity.

Fairfax and Greater Falls Run Lions Clubs Present DDonations

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