David Fischer – a 4th grader at Providence Elementary School – accepted a Scholarship award from VA Lions Eye Institute Foundation President Woody Woodward at the Fairfax Lions Club meeting on May 16th.
For information on VA Lions Eye Institute Foundation and vision scholarships, see http://vleif.org
Dr Ahmed Nasrullah spoke to the Fairfax Lions about eye health. Dr Nasrullah is recognized as one the “Top Ophthalmologists” in the US, and has performed eye surgery on some of our club members!
One point Dr Nsarullah made was, in the US eye care availability can be like healty food availability. There are grocery store “deserts,” and eye care “deserts;” they occur in geographical areas where incomes are low. He challenged Lions to explore providing glaucoma screening in such areas, as a means to alert people to seek eye treatment early – before it is too late for vision-saving care.
On May 2nd, after participating in several Lions events and a new member orientation, Mr G Sanchez officially became a member of Lions clubs International, the largest service organization in the world. Lion Bill Bartlett conducted the induction ceremony.
Nancy Loe, a world class genealogist, gave a wonderful presentation to the FX Lions Club on May 2nd. She spoke about basic resources to define family ancestry. Nancy lives in CA, and Zoom technology enabled her to speak to Fairfax Lions Club.
Nancy (AKA Sassy Jane) offers links to many genealogy resources, and publishes a newsletter, blog, and many e-books. Find Nancy at: https://www.sassyjanegenealogy.com
Chartered in 1951, on April 23rd, Fairfax Lions celebrated at the Chantilly National Country Club 72 years of service to the Fairfax community.
The top Lion officer in Northern VA, District Governor Rose Burrus, spoke of personal satisfaction from participating in community service helping others.
Fairfax Club President Greg DeRosa receives top individual award for a Lion – Melvin Jones Fellowship. Karen DeRosa accepts the award pin from Bill Bartlett, to pin on Greg.
Our guest speaker, at our March 7th meeting, was VA State Assembly Delegate David Bulova. David represents VA’s 37th District which includes the City of Fairfax and parts of Fairfax County. David is a life-long resident of Fairfax and works for us to build a vibrant and caring community, with common-sense leadership in the General Assembly to continue to build on our quality of life and to invest in our future.
David started his talk with a short VA civics quiz, and most of quickly realized we do not know too much about the VA legislature that originated 400 years ago (1619) as the VA General Assembly – the legislative body for the Colony of VA. The House of Burgesses was added in 1642. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Burgesses
At this meeting, he told us about the progess made in the recent legislative session, areas of common agreement and where differences exist. David believes in working with, and not against, county and city governments to solve common challenges. He also believes strongly in the value of public service, responsibility, honesty, hard work, and fairness.
Fairfax Lions Club is one of the largest service organizations in Northern Virginia. Our members are from all walks of life, we give back to our community in many ways, and we have a good time doing it! We welcome you!