At the City of Fairfax Independence Day Parade, Fairfax Lions sold hot dogs….and we thank our many friends and neighbors for supporting the event. All proceeds go to charity programs in our community!
Our members have a great time helping others – WE SERVE! Contact us to visit Fairfax Lions Club anytime!
Each year, the Club President selects one club member who has demonstrated passion, commitment and excellence in the Lions mission:of service.
For 2022-2023, Lion Ken Schutz is the Fairfax Lions Club Lion-of-the-Year!!!
Lion Ken Schutz planned, organized and led the Club’s primary charity fund-raising activities: two citrus fruit sales, the Fall Festival Octoberfest Food Sale, and the July 4th Hot Dog sale. Ken also leads the Club’s Vehicle Donation Program. Each of those activities was a great success, and raised funds that enabled Fairfax Lions Club to pursue numerous charity programs throughout the year.
Ken will be publicly recognized on August 2, 2023 in a special Volunteer of the Year ceremony at 7:30pm, in the Sherwood Center where all service club Volunteers-of-the-Year in the Fairfax area will be celebrated. The Mayor of the City of Fairfax presides.
Club President Greg DeRosa recognized Fairfax Lions Club 2022-2023 Officers and Board of Directors at the June 20 dinner meeting. Congratulations for an outstanding year of service to the community!
Greg thanked all for their contributions over the past year with a practical gift – a very nice wine bottle stopper.
The “You Matter” team included several Fairfax Lions. The team walked on May 21st – at National Harbor – helping to raise funds for children with cancer to attend camp.
Fairfax Lions Club is one of the largest service organizations in Northern Virginia. Our members are from all walks of life, we give back to our community in many ways, and we have a good time doing it! We welcome you!