Rocky Run Middle School Art Student Honored

Posted on February 8, 2024

On February 7th, Giuliany Sanchez, an 8th grader at Rocky Run Middle School, was recognized for her winning Peace Poster.  For 36 years, Lions Clubs have encouraged students to create peace posters to express their visions of peace and inspire the world through art and creativity.  The theme of the 2023-2024 Peace Poster Contest was “Dare to Dream.”  Fairfax Lions Club presented Giuliany a certificate and $50 cash award.  The Club also presented art teacher Linda Ledbetter a $100 gift card for purchase of art supplies in recognition of her strong support of the Lions Clubs Peace Poster Contest. #weserve

Giuliani with winning poster
Award Certificate
Cash Prize
Giuliany describes her message in the peace Poster
Ms Linda Ledbetter, Art Teacher at Rock Run MS, receives a cash award for art supplies

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