Archive for October, 2023

Vision & Hearing Screening at St Timothy’s School

Posted on October 27, 2023Comments are off

On Oct 26, Fairfax Lions screened over 100 students ages 5-13 at St Timothy’s School in Chantilly, VA. A few were referred for follow-up on test results that day. It is a special pleasure to be able to help identify potential issues in young people’s vision and hearing.

Lions use SPOT Camera system to screen vision
Screening results are presented to school nurse

Vision & Hearing Screening

Posted on October 24, 2023Comments are off

Fairfax Lions conducted vision & hearing screenings for school children at two schools, on Oct 24 and Oct 26.  The first school (St Leo the Great Catholic School) had about 70 students to screen; the second (St Timothy Catholic School) had over 100.  Each student had parental consent to participate in the screening.  We’ve used SPOT vision equipment for years with excellent results.  This was the first time we’ve done hearing screenings.  Two Lions have prepared excellent processes to screen kids hearing with our new audiometer equipment. 

Student raises hand on hearing tome
SPOT camera system collects eye’s internal measurements
Lions Club Hearing Screening Team
Detailed screening reports are provided to School administrators, to inform parents

Lions Thank YOU for Supporting Us at Fall Festival

Posted on October 15, 2023Comments are off

Thanks to Fairfax HS students who sold Brats & Dogs
All set-up; light rain, waiting for customers
Happy Octoberfest Beer Customer

FX Lions Receive Visitation Award

Posted on October 8, 2023Comments are off

FX Lions Club received an Award (small tab to sew on our awards banner) for visiting other Lions Clubs in our District.

Hearing Aid Bank Speaks to Lions

Posted on October 8, 2023Comments are off

Lion Mike McGlaughlin, Chair of the VA Lions Hearing Aid Bank Foundation, told us about the need for financial assistance for hearing aids in our community. About one person a week qualifies for such assistance. The foundation collects about 500 used hearing aides a year (donated by folks in our community) which are refurbished. Qualified individuals referred to specialists may obtain one those hearing aids. Fairfax Lions and other local Lions Clubs contribute to the Hearing Aid Foundation.

FX Club President Greg DeRosa thanks Mike McGlaughlin