Archive for May, 2022

Lions Clean Up Adopted Spot – Pickett Road

Posted on May 22, 2022Comments are off

On Saturday, 21 May, Fairfax Lions Pete Conklin, Ken Schutz, Judith Richter-Murphy, Greg and Karen DeRosa assembled for the annual road cleanup. Donuts and coffee were served first, then at 8:30am – one of the hottest days in May – Lions picked up litter and trash along Pickett Road.  Lions always have fun serving the community!

Lions Geared Up, for Picket Road Cleanup

If you are interested in helping provide service in our community, send us an email: or leave a message at: 703-879-5795


71st Charter Night

Posted on May 20, 2022Comments are off

Fairfax Lions celebrated their 71st year of being a Lions Club, serving others. The celebration banquet was at Chantilly National Golf and Country Club, on May 15th.

Several Members of Fairfax Lions Club, 71st Charter Night….Our Mission – We Serve!
Club President Mike Greeley (left) Accepts the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award from Lion Jeff Root (right)

Free Camp for Kids with Cancer

Posted on May 5, 2022Comments are off

At our May 3 Lions Club meeting, we heard from Marcia Sheehan and Michelle Pearlstein about Horizon Day Camp in the Metro DC area. It provides summer camp and year round programming for children with cancer and their siblings – 100% free of charge. See:

Michelle Pearlstein and Marcia Sheehan; Lions Jim Kaplan and Suleiman Alibhai

A key fund raiser to support Horizon Day Camp, is a “Horizon Walks” on  June 12, 2022 at National Harbor. See:

Contact information for Horizon Walks