Archive for April, 2022

Peace Poster Contest Winner

Posted on April 20, 2022Comments are off

Audrey Nagle, 8th grader at Rocky Run Middle School, won the Fairfax Lions prize for best Peace Poster. For 34 years, Lions have encouraged youth to create art posters reflecting peace. Audrey is this year’s winner.

Lions Help Sponsor a Great Cause and Have Fun!

Posted on April 11, 2022Comments are off

Sprout Therapeutic Riding Center does great work…it provides equine assisted activities and therapies to individuals seeking opportunities for growth. See: Sprout Therapeutic Riding Center

Fairfax Lions provide financial support to Sprout, and also participate in fund raisers – such as “Sipping for Sprout” held each year at Stone Mountain Winery in Leesburg.

On April 10, several Fairfax Lions and family members enjoyed the “Sipping” event.

New Member Joins Fairfax Lions Club

Posted on April 6, 2022Comments are off

Fairfax Lions Club welcomes its newest member Judith Richter-Murphy. At the Club’s meeting on April 5th, Judith officially became a member of the world’s largest service organization, Lions Clubs International. Judith was familiar with the good works of Lions Clubs from her early life overseas.

Lion Judith (Ctr) is flanked by her husband Dan (L), and sponsoring Lion Bill (R)


If you are interested in helping provide service to others in need, or want to know more about the Fairfax Lions Club, send an email to: or leave a message at: 703-879-5795

Demonstration of AIRA

Posted on April 6, 2022Comments are off

“Artificial Intelligence Remote Access” is an app for your smartphone; it uses the camera and a trained agent (remote) to visually interpret and describe objects or surroundings for the user. It is very useful to vision impaired persons.

Ms Annette Carr visited Fairfax Lions Club and demonstrated AIRA functionality.

Annette demonstrated both visual identification and navigation assisted by AIRA