Archive for June, 2019

Get Your Discount Car Wash Tickets

Posted on June 26, 2019Comments are off

To raise funds for charity, Fairfax Lions are selling discount FULL SERVICE CAR WASH tickets good at any of the five Embassy Car Wash locations in Northern VA (locations at )

Tickets for Full Service Embassy Car Wash:

1-4 tickets, $12 each (Embassy retail price, $16 each)

5 tickets, $55 (Embassy price, $80)

10 tickets, $105 (Embassy price, $160)

Buy tickets at the Lions Hot Dog stand on July 4, 2019, 8am – 12 noon, in the side lot at 10410 Main ST, Fairfax, VA 22030.

Stay for the excellent Independence Day Parade!

Record Year for Eyeglass Recycling!

Posted on June 26, 2019Comments are off

  Below is the end-of-year (July 2018- June 2019) report from the Fairfax Lions Club’s Eyeglass Recycling committee.  These volunteers work at least twice every month at the Northern VA Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center, and collect donated eyeglasses from various points in the Fairfax area.

    Please note:  10,229 pair of used eyeglasses were collected and delivered to the Recycling Center – the most ever in one year!  The Recycling Center has over the past 21 years delivered over 3.5 million pair of eyeglasses to persons in need around the world – WE SERVE!

Fairfax Lions Club Eyeglass Recycling Committee Report

Lions Support Three All-Nite-Grad-Parties

Posted on June 14, 2019Comments are off

Fairfax Lions recently contributed $1500 ($500 each to three local high schools) to support All-Nite-Graduation Parties. The HS: Fairfax, Woodson, Robinson. Our Lions Club is a strong advocate for such youth programs. The motivating factor behind the PTSA-sponsored All-Night-Grad parties is to provide graduating seniors a safe, fun place to spend graduation night and celebrate with fellow students and friends. Since All-Night-Grad Party inception, no teen in the entire state of VA has been involved in a traffic fatality on graduation night! (See: ). We are happy to work hard to raise funds that we can provide for such worthy functions in our community!

Just a Thought — 75 Years After D-Day

Posted on June 3, 2019Comments are off

On June 6, 1944, and during the days that followed, men from all over the world came to fight in Normandy to defeat Nazism and re-establish freedom.  Normandy will bear the scars (the hallmarks of freedom) forever from that moment in history, and every year we remember and pay tribute to the veterans from America, Britain, Canada, Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Norway, Poland, Australia, the French resistance, and their brothers in arms – those many heroes who lost their lives during that summer of 1944.

Codenamed Operation Overlord, the battle began on June 6 as 156,000 American, British and Canadian forces landed on five beaches along a 50-mile stretch of the heavily fortified coast of France’s Normandy region. The invasion was one of the largest amphibious military assaults ever.  

Prior to D-Day, the Allies conducted a large-scale deception campaign which misled the Germans about the intended invasion target – it helped assure success.  Long before dawn on June 6, thousands of paratroopers and glider troops were already on the ground behind enemy lines, securing bridges and exit roads, and creating confusion for the enemy – actions that all helped. US Army Cavalry soldiers, at 4:45AM silently swam ashore the St. Marcoufs Islands…6000 yards off Utah Beach, armed only with knives to neutralize enemy prior to the main landings. The amphibious invasions began at 6:30AM.  British and Canadians overcame light opposition to capture beaches codenamed Gold, Juno and Sword, as did Americans at Utah Beach. US forces faced heavy resistance at Omaha Beach, and suffered over 2,000 American casualties.  Omaha Beach was represented in the opening scenes of the film “Saving Private Ryan.”  Picture that in your mind – the surf turned red with blood, brave young men – each terribly afraid, but each moving forward doing his job.

By day’s end, allied troops successfully stormed Normandy’s beaches.  The cost was high; more than 9,000 Allied soldiers were killed or wounded in that one day.  But their sacrifice allowed the allies to begin the hard slog across Europe to defeat Adolf Hitler’s forces.

By late August 1944, all of northern France had been liberated; the Battle of the Bulge was next; but, by the following spring the Allies had defeated Hitler.  D-Day was the beginning-of-the-end of the war in Europe.

A memorial to D-Day sits upon 88 acres in Bedford, VA.  The center is a tall arch embellished with the name “Overlord;” the arch is highlighted by a reflecting pool and a scene symbolic of the arduous trudge soldiers made across blood stained beaches of Normandy.  

Why Bedford?  Bedford provided a company of soldiers to the US Army’s 29th Infantry Division that landed at Omaha Beach, and more soldiers to the First Infantry Division.  19 Bedford soldiers died in the D-Day invasion; 2 more Bedford soldiers died later in the Normandy campaign; and another 2 died fighting elsewhere.  Bedford’s population in 1944 was about 3,200 people; proportionally, Bedford suffered the nation’s severest D-Day losses of any city.

On June 6th, we honor our Nation, our Allies, and all who fought for victory…that Greatest Generation to whom we owe our freedom today!  Think about it.