Archive for July, 2018

“Stop the Bleeding” Program

Posted on July 22, 2018Comments are off

The Fairfax Lions Club offered a special program at their dinner meeting on July 17th.  The speaker was Dr Matthew Levy, who Chairs the STB Coalition, is on the staff at Johns Hopkins and is an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine.  We learned that 35% of pre-hospitalization deaths occur due to bleeding-out, and the need for bystanders to ACT QUICKLY to stop bleeding.  We learned about putting pressure on the wound, applying tourniquets, and “packing a wound” with gauze treated with a hemostatic agent.   Matthew urged all to:  Get Kits (first aid kits with materials to stop bleeding), Get Trained, and Get Involved. We saw a short training video.  Read more about STB Coalition

Lions Club President Karen Presents Speakers Gift to Dr Matthew Levy