Archive for June, 2018

Fairfax Lions Honor Elden Wright

Posted on June 6, 2018Comments are off

The Fairfax Lions Club recognized Elden Wright for his many contributions over 35 years as a Lion.  Lions Club President Marty Lockard presented a check for $1500 to the Virginia Lions Eye Institute (VLEI) for a scholarship grant in special recognition of Elden Wright’s lengthy and dedicated service to VLEI.

Elden Wright (Ctr) accepts check to go to Woody Woodward (Rt) the President of VLEI

VLEI President Woody Woodward presented Elden Wright, who is the Past President of VLEI, a Progressive Humanitarian Recognition Certificate.

Progressive Humanitarian Recognition Certificate

Fairfax Lions also presented Elden a special citation of his many accomplishments as a Lion.  He planned and led many local service projects.  Among them are community blood drives resulting in over 3300 units of life-saving blood for the Red Cross, and eyeglass dispensing for needy persons for which he managed charity funds, qualified individuals needing vision correction, and coordinated the provision of 50 or more pair of eyeglasses each year.  As President and Chief Executive of the VLEI, which is co-sponsored by Lions Clubs and the Inova Health System, Elden coordinated free eye care for needy patients with the Inova Cares Lions Eye Clinic. He managed funding for continuing medical education for nurses and para-professionals, equipment purchases for local not-for-profit hospitals, scholarship awards to sight handicapped individuals, clinical research, and rehabilitation of visually impaired individuals through low vision evaluations and use of low vision aids.  Elden led significant charity fund raising activities over the years, enabling the Lions Club to complete its mission of service to needy people in the community.  He led the annual Citrus Fruit Sales, and his personal commitment assured successful sales raising nearly three-quarters of all Fairfax Lions charity resources.  Elden also managed multi-grill cooking operations for two Lions Club food sales each year (July 4, Fall Festival).  He transported the grills, provided specialty equipment, assured compliance with food safety standards, and personally cooked for one-half of all grill operations.  Elden was Fairfax Lions Club President and in 2016 was named “Lion-of-the-Year.”  A genuinely dedicated servant of his fellow man, Elden Wright’s actions exemplify the Lions’ motto of “We Serve.”

Elden Wright