Fairfax Lions raise money to donate to charitable programs and also perform hands-on community service. A summary of our service for Lions fiscal year 2016-2017:
Dr. Suleiman Alibhai spoke at the June 15, 2017 meeting of the Fairfax chapter of the National Federation of the Blind. Dr. Alibhai, a member of the Fairfax Lions Club, is very well known across the vision impaired community. Dr. Alibhai runs a local low vision clinic which assists people with vision loss to find tools to enable them to achieve their goals.
Blind and visually impaired individuals are disproportionately unemployed or underemployed when compared to individuals with other disabilities. They are also likely to be marginalized and misunderstood by the “sighted population.” At this meeting Dr Alibhai urged representatives of low vision organizations to educate and inform the public that blind and visually impaired individuals live normal productive lives raising families, working and participating in recreational activities just like normally sighted individuals. Interactions between normally sighted and visually impaired individuals at schools, in the workplace and social/recreational events is one way to the bridge the gap between these two groups. While there are totally blind individuals, there are also many people who are classified as being “low vision” meaning they cannot see normally even with glasses or contact lenses. Regardless of the classification, everyone deserves the opportunity to interact and participate in society in a productive manner. All should become aware of the issues related to being blind or low vision and know how best to engage with individuals regardless of their vision status.
The Fairfax Lions meeting on July 18th focused on Patriotism. We were encourgaed to wear our national colors (USA flag) – many did. We nominated patriots…men or women we look up to, try to imitate, or who have inspired us. It was a fun night – enjoyed by all!
Next dinner meeting: Tuesday August 1 – 6:30pm, American Legion Post 177, 3939 Oak Street, Fairfax, VA, 22030.
Join us! If you are interested in attending as our guest, let us know at: fairfaxlions@cox.net