Archive for October, 2014

STEP OUT with the Lions to STOP Diabetes!

Posted on October 25, 2014Comments are off

Lions Donate to STOP DIABETESStep Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes

Our team walked 3 miles, Sunday, Nov 2, 2014 to support fund raising for the American Diabetes Association.  We had a great time; more importantly we helped to focus attention on diabetes and the research programs that will stop diabetes.  We thank our community for supporting our various fund raising activities which enabled Fairfax Lions to donate $3,381.00 toward the critical research!

Phil, Elsie, Jeff - STEP OUTFairfax Lions Club at the STEP OUT Event


Lion from Lima, Peru Visits Fairfax Lions Club

Posted on October 23, 2014Comments are off

Ms. Soledad Tolentino from Lima, Peru, visited the Fairfax Lions Club dinner meeting on Oct 21, 2014. Soledad was accompanied by her son-in-law Jose Rojas, of Fairfax. Lion Rodney Neeley, who is fluent in Spanish, translated the evening’s events for Soledad.

Soledad presented the Fairfax Lions five gifts: a scarf embroidered with the Lions crest and her home club “Club de Leones, Papa Juan XXIII;” a pin issued by the senior Lion in Peru Irene Chavez Gil; a flower encased in recycled glass; 2 collector coins from Peru; and a collector plate from Cuzco, Peru.

Thank you for visiting, Soledad!  It is a pleasure to meet Lions across the world who are committed to community service!   Soledad presents gifts

County’s 50+ Community Action Plan

Posted on October 22, 2014Comments are off

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Fairfax Lions Club was pleased to have Ms Jacquie Woodruff present a summary of Fairfax County’s “50+ Community Action Plan” at our dinner meeting on October 21, 2014. The county is preparing for the “age wave” – the increasing portion of elderly in the county’s population. The action plan addresses various actions in the categories of services, safety and health, community engagement, transportation, and housing – to support that growing elderly population. For example, the county supports expanding Project Lifesaver – which offers technology and processes to assist those with Alzheimer’s, dementia, or other cognitive conditions in case they wander from their residence or caregiver.

Citrus Sale: November 20-22, 2014!

Posted on October 15, 2014Comments are off


We’re getting ready to roar into the holidays with another Grrrrrrrreat Citrus Sale! Have you signed up for email coupons?  We send out coupons twice before each sale: about two weeks ahead of the sale and again the day before the sale starts.  Sign up early to be sure to receive a discount off the already great price!  Click here to sign up. We will be selling fresh Ruby Red Grapefruits and Navel Oranges straight from the farms of Florida, Vermont Maple Syrup, and Virginia Peanuts. Our doors are opened from 9am – 6pm Daily. Find us at Fairfax Circle, along Old Lee Hwy/Fairfax Blvd, adjacent to Home Depot. Look for the blue and white moving van from Craig Van Lines. If you haven’t signed up for our notification list, please CLICK HERE so you will receive notification prior to each sale. You’ll also receive a coupon for $3.00 off each full box purchased! Fairfax Lions Citrus Sale Location

We’ll also be back for December and March citrus sales.  Don’t forget to sign up for reminders and coupons!
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