Archive for September, 2014

THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING our Lions Food Stand at the Fairfax Fall Festival

Posted on September 24, 2014Comments are off

Fairfax Lions had a successful fund raiser food sale at the Fairfax Fall Festival, Saturday Oct 11.  ALL PROCEEDS FROM THE SALES GO DIRECTLY BACK INTO OUR COMMUNITY TO SUPPORT THOSE IN NEED.  We had a fun time, and enjoyed meeting our many customers.

We sold Beer, Wine, Soda, Brats, Dogs, Sauerkraut, Chips — all at good prices.  The weather was rainy all morning, but cleared in the afternoon.  We did not have the crowds we usually see on a bright sunny day – BUT WE APPRECIATE ALL THOSE WHO STOPPED BY AND MADE A PURCHASE.

A SPECIAL APPRECIATION: As the Fall Festival was closing down a man asked about Lions’ service projects. We mentioned the Fairfax Lions will buy 30 pairs of eyeglasses for the needy this year, at a cost of $50 each. That man reached into his pocket, gave us a $50 bill, and said, “Make that 31 pairs of eyeglasses.” That donation is in addition others our customers graciously contributed. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

Fairfax Fall Festival Oct 11 - Lions Food Stand - Octoberfest Beer and Brats

SUCCESSFUL Sight and Hearing Van Screening for our Community

Posted on September 22, 2014Comments are off

S&H VAN34 people showed up and were screened by Fairfax Lions in the Lion’s Sight and Hearing Van at the Senior Center in Fairfax on Thursday, October 2nd. The van is equipped and staffed to provide screening for sight, glaucoma, hearing, and blood pressure problems.

Results of the screening:

  •  Hearing: 10 people referred for follow up with health care professional.
  •  Sight: 8 people referred for follow up with health care professional.

Lions are pleased to offer this public service, and help people detect potential problems early so they can be properly treated by health care professional!

The next screening event will be November 15th at the Little River Glen Senior Center.

Please stop by for this free screening. No appointment necessary.

For more information, contact Fairfax Lions at: