Archive for August, 2014

Lions Call Bingo at Fairfax Nursing Center

Posted on August 24, 2014Comments are off

Your Fairfax Lions hold a bingo night each month for residents of the Fairfax Nursing Center

Continuing a tradition of many years, each month the Fairfax Lions Club holds bingo night for residents of the Fairfax Nursing Center. This Wednesday, Aug 20, we had 11 residents enjoy the bingo games. Lion Marcia Selva was the organizer for this months event. Marcia is pictured handing out prizes.

Lion Marcia Selva presents gifts to bingo players at Fairfax Nursing Centger

Lion Marcia Selva presents gifts to bingo players at Fairfax Nursing Centger

Fairfax Harley Owners Group speaks to Fairfax Lions

Posted on August 24, 2014Comments are off

Each year the Fairfax Harley Owners Group (HOG) conducts about 140 events (mainly rides) to raise funds for local charities. Charities include: Muscular Dystrophy Association, INOVA Children’s Hospital, Salvation Army, Police Survivors, Habitat for Humanity, Wounded Warriors, and many others. The Harley Owners share a common purpose with the Lions – both serve those in need. HOG Director Steve Shannon was accompanied by Mike Anderson, HOG Community Relations Officer, at Tuesday August 19th Lions dinner meeting.

Pictured:  Steve Shannon, Director of Fairfax HOG, speaks to the Lions
