For over 50 years, Lions clubs have supported the partnership of INOVA hospital and the Lions Eye Clinic – Northern Virginia’s only free clinic offering advanced eye care and surgery to uninsured adults. It is a vital community resource, providing essential medical and surgical eye care to those with incomes at or below 400% of the federal poverty level. Eye Clinic web page:
The Clinic’s mission is to provide basic eye care to people who could not afford care, and the clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. It provides services for indigent individuals only. Family assistance workers in the Fairfax County Health Department determine an individual’s indigent status. Individuals, who have no medical insurance coverage, meet certain income standards based on the number of dependents, and are classified as coming under the Income “A” category may qualify as indigent. Referrals to the Clinic are made by the Fairfax County Health Department, Arlington County Health Department, Arlington Free Clinic, Baileys Crossroads Health Clinic, Alexandria Casey Clinic, South County Health Clinic, and doctors.
At the Fairfax Lions Club meeting on January 21st, representatives of the the INOVA Lions Eye Clinic talked about recent renovations in the Clinic, and the wonderful record of serving people in our community.