On Feb 22, Virginia Lions Eye Institute Foundation presented scholarship checks to 22 recipients of the “Joe Lipomi Scholastic Grants.” The scholarships totaled $49,000. For more information about scholarships, see: https://vleif.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/VLEIF-ScholasticGrant-Application-Updated-9-2024-1.pdf
Speakers included Dr Mohammed Jaafar, Chair Emeritus of Children’s National Hospital’s Dept of Ophthalmology and also Professor of Ophthalmology & Pediatrics at GW University. The event’s Special Guest speaker was Angel Collaku. Angel himself is vision impaired, and is now a retired career senior attorney for the Federal Aviation Administration. He offered encouragement to vision impaired youth in the context of his own life’s experience: Work hard; be self sufficient; have determination and good judgement; be responsible and know your limits; don’t accept “No;” never stop learning; accept constructive criticism; do what you can, when you can; and be thankful.

Fairfax Lions Club also presented a cash donation to Virginia Lions Eye Institute Foundation, to support future scholarships.